Direct Nutri Karuppu Kavuni Rice


Direct Nutri Karuppu Kavuni Rice

Black rice or the forbidden rice (Chinese) is a rare and a very old variety of rice that has been growing in India for centuries. It is mainly grown in the North East region (called as Chak Hao) and the southern parts (called as Kavuni in Tamil) of India. Here are a few benefits of Black rice.

150.00 125.00


Benefits of Black Rice

  • Rich in Antioxidants. The deep black or the purple hue of the black rice is a marker of its high antioxidant properties. ...

  • Natural Detoxifier. ...

  • Good Source of Fiber. ...

  • Preventing Risk of Diabetes. ...

  • Preventing Risk of Obesity. ...

  • Richer Protein Content. ...

  • Better Heart Health.

Weight 1 kg

500 gm

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